KEPES manufactures a variety of collating machinery
for small, medium, and large format products.
There is a wide range for sheet sizes from 1" x 1" to 30" x 42".
Navigate Flighted / Lugged Conveyor Outfitted for PI Collating Navigate Large Format Flighted / Lugged Conveyor for Collating 30" x 40" Product Navigate Intelligent Collating
Navigate Collating with Chipboard and Spine Gluing Navigate Opening Station with Insert
[Home] [Tipping / Attaching] [Imaging / Drying] [Plow Fold] [Inspection] [Collate/Insert] [Open Insert] [Quadsert] [Intelligent Collator] [Collate-Glue] [KCB] [Postal Sealing] [Gluing]

For mailing and finishing parts

262-652-7889           More Contact Info

© KEPES, Inc., 2001-2009